Friday 25 April 2014

Detox - The Proper Way (Body)

One of the many things about today's society that bothers me is the hype about "Detoxing" as part of a daily routine for diets. There is a lot of misguided thoughts about Colon Cleansers and Detoxes that make people think: "This will help me lose weight!"  It also strongly bothers me when people take western medicine to do this. Why are you taking a pill for detoxing your body - a pill that has an entire rapsheet of "potential side-effects?" Please. Can anyone explain this logic to me? Why would you not go the natural route - the route where the worst side effect's you'll get is an upset stomach?

The point of Detoxing your body is not to lose weight. If you lose a pound or two from doing doing such a thing to your body it simply means you had a lot of excess waste within your system - and it has been purged. It does NOT mean continue to do so - and you will keep losing weight. Because this method of losing weight is achieving two things: Dehydration and malnutrition. You are succeeding in giving yourself a constant stream of diarrhoea that is in no way shape or form beneficial to you once the initial detox has completed it's cycle. And that is why your body is withering away, it has nothing to do with "weight loss."

Why does this bother me so much? Well. I'm a shaman, and often times I prescribe a colon cleansing or a bodily detox to the people who ask me for help. I am a healer - and the hype the media and scum-bag dietary con-artists have plotted up are making the world unhealthy.  

Let me first explain what detoxing the body is for, because some of you may not understand. A detox of the body, sometimes called a "colon cleansing," is for the purpose helping ones body rid itself of the waste that has lined the digestive system and bowels - and has remained stuck there for longer than it needs to be. It also is good to help rid oneself of excess toxins from drug use, alcohol consumption and smoking (diuretics are also good for this.) Just to reiterate: Its called a colon "cleansing" and a "detox" for a reason. It aids in getting rid of withdrawals from substances as well by flushing them out of your system. 

And you do not need to do this more than once or twice a year - unless your an avid absorber of toxins that effect your body in such a way.

But how? How does one detox the body safely, without pills and questionable powders that they tell you to mix into the drinks that look add and taste awful? Easy.

There are several herbs that I personally use when I am creating a tea people to help them detox their bodies. The main herbs being: Senna leaf, Chamomile, Peppermint, hibiscus and Psyllium Husk.

The first four herbs are herbs I combine into a gentle tea. It doesn't taste bad. The active ingredients are the Senna. This leaf is great for people who are constipated as well. Most of the time, if a client is simply having bowel movement troubles, this is what I use.  For older people I use less senna to make it more gentle. If a person is constipated to an extreme, I use a rather large pinch. Senna has a way of sneaking up on you, it sometimes can take several hours to kick in. That does NOT mean use more or you won't have life outside of the bathroom for at least twenty-four hours. The peppermint is to sooth the stomach while your body is purging itself, and to add taste. The hibiscus is a diuretic, and is jam packed with antibodies that will need to be replenished as your body is losing them. And Chamomile is to once again, soothe the system, and keep your body relaxed as it purges whatever is in your system out. 

Now this is tea is situational. If we are needing a strong detox, then it is always used in two light doses for the first day, then a strong dose of senna for the next day. The light dose is to prepare the body for the main purge, so that the next day it is not so rough on the person. 

Psyllium Husk is an amazing herb. This herb can be used on farm animals (cows, and horses) with stomach related issues. (You can probably ask anyone with horses - Psyllium Husk can save a horses life.) But it's gentle enough to use on people, and small animals. For people, Twice a day until your body decides to purge itself. Three spoonfuls of the herb directly in a warm (Very gentle and light dose) senna tea. This is probably best treated as a fiber powered drink - because the herb will expand, then coagulate and become mush,  and look like oatmeal if you let it leave sit. It's best to skull (Chug) this herb. The psyllium husk will then stick to whatever is in your body.  It will act to the waste within your system much like Draino acts to clogged up pipes. It will stick to it, and drag it out when flushed. 

These are proper methods of detoxing your body. Not only are they safer, and natural - but they are bound to make you healthier. Remember not to over Detox - or you will simply deplete your body of vitamins. Oh and one more thing readers - If you want to be clean and not have to worry about detoxing... see the foods below. Those are what you should be eating. Fresh and everyday!

"No matter how pretty the package - it's STILL a lie, a scam, and complete incorrect information!"

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