Quite often, I find people are drawn to me. And while I attract many types of people, I find quite a lot of "Victims" are magnetized in my direction. You'll noticed, I've capitalized that word. And placed quotations where there ought not to be.
I love my origins. I love where I come from, and I love helping people. I am always more than willing to take a bleeding heart and help the seeping wounds close and heal and scar. I find a sense of completion when once there were tears streaming down a face, there becomes a sudden smile.
Now. What has encouraged this blog? Nothing as of late directed at me. I have learned over years of hard lessons, trouble and obsessed attention seekers to differentiate my friends, and those who use me for attention and purposely enjoy toying with someone's good intentions, those who purposely perpetrate themselves as perpetual constant victims of circumstance.. But I have a few friends who have yet to learned how to wall off those who would take advantage of their gentle natures.
It rightly pisses me off when my friends (and sometimes myself) get used in such a manner. Because these people are like the Boy Who Cried Wolf. These people make up circumstances, cry woe is me. And it makes good hearted people not want to trust others who truly need a shoulder or an ear.
Now. I know I can't change Attention Seekers. In fact, it frustrates me to say that there are legitimate studies to say that its a actual pathological disorder called "Münchausen" syndrome. I can't actually hold these people accountable - but I do believe that almost everything pathological can be prevented, and many of it is mind over matter. I believe THIS particular disorder is created by bad habits - that feed and snowball into a bad pathological path, and develops into a 'disorder.' And people should not be coddled for intentionally screwing with kind people who do their best everyday to be a good person, or a wonderful friend to those they truly believe need it.
But I am going to offer this: Everyone is a victim to their own circumstance. EVERYONE has the power to change their circumstance. Every person that you know, every person on the train or bus that you ride, every person of every floor of every building.. we've all had our hearts broken, or bodies broken, or will crushed. We've all been oppressed at some point, we've all had our heart breaking stories.
It's not bad to seek the love and affection of another, or to find an open ear. There is no shame in crying to a friend, or breaking down after a hard day. We are all a collective of broken hearts. And together we make a beautiful Muriel, and if we tell our stories properly we can all be a story of success, strength, courage, and empowerment. Human beings have the capacity to pull together in the most tragic of times, our collective of broken hearts motivate us to pull others up and out of the pain. We slowly piece each other back together again.
And that is how it should be. To those who continuously strive and struggle against those who would make you fools, or toy with your emotions, string you along and upset you for no good reason other than their enjoyment... stay strong. Because this world does need your kindness. Because your rare kindness could the the life changing difference that someone needs.
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